Our Team

Ravinder Nagpal (a.k.a. Ravi), PhD. 

Lab Director and Team Leader

A food and gut microbiologist by training, Ravi is the biome geek and fanatic front-runner of the lab. His overarching mission is to decode how our diet and nutrition regulate and modulate our gut microbial communities and how this diet-biome interaction influences our health. Ultimately, he aims to excavate novel microbiome-based targets and therapies that can help prevent/ameliorate human diseases and improve human health and wellbeing. His lab specializes in executing multi-dynamic techniques including metagenomics, metabolomics, culturomics, and bioinformatics along with in-vitro, preclinical and clinical milieus to solve intricate mysteries of the extremely diverse and dynamic microbial world dwelling inside our gut. He has a wide array of multidisciplinary collaborations with experts in nutrition sciences, microbiology, cardiovascular biology, immunology, neuroscience, aging, and sepsis to gain comprehensive understanding of the role of our gut bugs in multiple aspects of our health.

More info on his scientific background and credentials can be found here:

Bio PubMed/NCBI Google Scholar ORCID Linkedin

Saurabh Kadyan 

Graduate Research Assistant & PhD Candidate

Inspired by Aristotle's famous quote, "The more you know, the more you realize you don't know," I am passionate about exploring the captivating realms of nutrition and food science. I received my bachelor’s and master’s degree from National Dairy Research Institute (Karnal, India) in Dairy Technology and Dairy Microbiology, respectively. Thereafter, I gained three years of industrial experience in India’s largest dairy cooperative “AMUL” before joining as a scientist at my alma mater in 2018. My PhD research at FSU focusses on dietary interventions aimed at improving gut and metabolic health at the extremes of aging (i.e., early life and old age) using preclinical animal models. I feel that prosecuting my PhD at The Gut Biome Lab @FSU will hone my academic and research skills in the field of nutrition and food sciences, which will provide solid foundation for my future research career progression.

For any queries, feel free to reach out at sk21bq@fsu.edu 

Ian Gwoncheol Park 

Graduate Research Assistant & PhD Candidate

I got my foot in the door of microbiome research back in 2016 when I was a sophomore. As I delved deeper into the field, I became captivated by the profound impact of the gut microbiome on overall health. To enhance my understanding of microbiome signatures and interactions, I have diligently studied and applied bioinformatics tools like QIIME2, Python programming language, and machine-learning techniques. I hold both a bachelor's and master's degree in Food Science and Biotechnology from Sejong University, Seoul (S. Korea). In the fall of 2022, I joined The Gut Biome Lab and have since been dedicated to exploring the role of gut pathobiome signatures in neurodegenerative diseases, particularly Alzheimer's disease, using transgenic mouse models. Throughout my PhD journey, I am eagerly committed to becoming an expert in the field and contributing to the development of therapeutic strategies that can effectively address complex human diseases through microbiome research, working closely with Dr. Nagpal on various lab research projects.

Fun fact: Ian is an avid traveler, constantly seeking opportunities to satisfy his wanderlust by embarking on trips whenever he can find the time.

For any queries, feel free to reach out at gp21p@fsu.edu 

Saiful Anuar Bin Singar 

Graduate Teaching Assistant & PhD Candidate

Saiful is a doctoral student currently pursuing studies in nutrition sciences under the guidance of Dr. Ravinder Nagpal and Dr. Bahram Arjmandi. He holds a B.S. in Nutritional Sciences (with a Minor in Kinesiology) from The Pennsylvania State University and an M.S. in Human Nutrition from the University of Delaware. Saiful's research focuses on exploring the effects of functional foods and bioactive compounds on cardiometabolic health markers among the elderly. His curiosity lies in understanding the mechanisms through which these foods and compounds may prevent, treat, or delay the onset of chronic diseases. With a deep passion for nutrition and teaching, Saiful aims to establish a career in academia, where he can contribute to nutrition research and educate students about the science of diet and nutrition.

For any queries, feel free to reach out at ssingar@fsu.edu 

Cole Patoine 

Graduate Teaching Assistant & PhD Student

Born and raised up north in the State Capital of New Hampshire, I attended and graduated from the University of New Hampshire in 2017, receiving my B.S in Nutrition and Dietetics. I was then accepted to a dietetic internship / M.S program at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, IL. It was during my graduate studies in Chicago where I found my love for research. During this time, I presented my M.S thesis on enteral nutrition and hyperglycemia at the 2021 ASPEN Conference. I also published work on the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics official website regarding the nutrition care process. I became a Registered Dietitian in 2021 and pursued the clinical field working in an outpatient diabetes clinic until my passion for research brought me to FSU. I was drawn to Dr. Nagpal’s lab due to our coinciding interests in the gut microbiome, as it is such an evolving field right now. I also hope to pursue further research involving the gut microbiome and its role in the development and management of the diabetes disease process. I am excited to see how I develop as a researcher during my time here at FSU.

Fun Fact: Cole is an avid golfer and can be found on the course if not in the lab. 

For any queries, feel free to reach out at cjp23a@fsu.edu 

Katelyn Johnson 

MS Thesis Student

I earned my bachelor’s degree in Biology from Florida State University in 2022. It was during my undergraduate years that I was introduced to the concept of the microbiome and became instantly fascinated. As an undergraduate student, I completed some elective research involving the impacts of dietary choices on the oral microbiome. My interest in this area led me to join the Nutrition-Microbiome lab under the direction of Dr. Nagpal while I obtain my master’s degree in Nutrition. Currently, my research focuses on the impact of almond snacking on the gut microbiome of adults who are over overweight or obese, and, secondarily, how these alterations may impact markers of inflammation and gastrointestinal and cardiometabolic health. Following the completion of my master’s degree, I will be attending medical school where I hope to continue my focus on human gut microbiome research and apply it to clinical settings. 

For any queries, feel free to reach out at kij19@fsu.edu 

Nate Hochuli 

UG Honors Thesis and lab assistant

As an aspiring medical doctor pursuing undergraduate degrees in biological sciences as well as food & nutrition sciences, I sought research in a field where nutrition, physiology, and health merged. Now graduated, I am continuing research on the gut microbiome while working at the local hospital. My interests within the field tie together the gut microbiome, inflammation, and neurodegeneration. I have studied the gut-brain axis, particularly in the context of Alzheimer’s disease, in animal models. Through continued research and adoption of a forever-student mindset, I look forward to both furthering our knowledge of nutritional sciences and using nutrition as a guide and aide for patient care.

Fun fact: Outside of the lab, Nate likes to maintain creativity and activity through playing music and rock climbing. 

For any queries, feel free to reach out at nsh19a@fsu.edu 

Undergrad Students – the budding scientists

- Alexis Cox
- Ella Missey
- Florence Mumbi
- Lauren Russel
- Lillian Estelow
- Rylie Segur
- Vaibhav Joshi 

The Gut Biome Lab

Nate, Kate, and Saurabh 

Katelyn and Ian