FSU team receives $1.9M to examine stressors on child health in rural areas

So thrilled to be a part of this timely and important research aimed to address and improve the health of children from rural and agricultural communities that may have unfavorable environmental exposures and thus might be predisposed to specific health disparities.

Our Gut Biome Lab team presents research results at Nutrition 2023.

So grateful to be back in-person @ Nutrition 2023 (Boston, MA). Excellent line up of sessions, talks & expos. Our department presented a total of nine research posters, including three from my biome lab. Kudos to our brilliant students!

Nutrition 2023 (American Society for Nutrition)
July 22-25, 2023

Dr. Nagpal gives a talk on Sepsis-Pathobiome Mechanisms at the US Shock Society annual meeting

It was such a pleasure delivering this invited talk on Sepsis-Pathobiome at the US Shock Society annual meeting and establishing collaboration with leading experts on sepsis & trauma care & research.

SHOCK's 46th Annual Conference in Portland
June 17-20, 2023

Dr. Nagpal provides a keynote lecture at the 6th Microbiome and Probiotics/Prebiotics Congress Asia in Tokyo, Japan

Had such a great time attending and delivering two keynote lectures at the 6th Microbiome and Probiotics/Prebiotics Congress Asia in Tokyo, Japan.

8th Microbiome R&D and Business Collaboration Congress: Asia
R&D and Business Collaborations in Microbiota Research, Probiotics, Skin & Cosmeceuticals, Health and Disease

Dr. Nagpal speaks at international webinar organized by Microbiome Research Reports

It was a great pleasure and honor to speak at this international webinar organized by Microbiome Research Reports via various live broadcast platforms that attracted >12,000 professional viewers from relevant fields.

Dr. Ravinder Nagpal
Topic: Diet-Microbiome-Brain Axis in Alzheimer's Disease
The record of the presentation is available at the link below.

Dr. Nagpal attends and presents his research at the International Nutrition Conference (Tokyo)

Had a wonderful time @ International Nutrition Conference (Tokyo) while fostering my gut flora with traditional Japanese diets while chatting with some of the best microbiome researchers in Japan 😊

 22nd IUNS-ICN International Congress of Nutrition in Tokyo, Japan
12.07.-10. 2022

Dr. Nagpal receives research grant from the Almond Board of California

Excited to explore the effects of Almonds, one of my personal fav snacks, on gut health :)

Dr. Ravinder Nagpal, Assistant Professor in the Department of Nutrition & Integrative Physiology and a Faculty Affiliate of the Institute for Successful Longevity, has been awarded a $177,000 research grant from the Almond Board of California through the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The award will fund research on the effect of almonds on gut health in people who are classified as overweight or obese.